Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Planes, Trains and Automobiles! Really!

Almost done with Mallorca posts!

We're traveling on a budget, which means that getting to and around the places we go is an adventure in itself sometimes.

We flew RyanAir to Mallorca, and the most convenient airport for that was in Memmingen, Germany. To get there, we drove from Liechtenstein through Switzerland and Austria into Germany, all in the space of an hour and before breakfast. Once we'd landed in Spain we had been in five countries before eleven am! I still can't get over things like that, it would take longer than that just to get out of California from where we live!

In Mallorca, we rented a car and it turned out that the cheapest one was a Smartcar! We had so much fun with that car; it was a parking ninja, the gas mileage was great, and it totally handled the crazy bumpy and windy road up to Alaro. By the end of the trip Martin could parallel park it in the wiggle room other cars left themselves.
BabyCar! Totally owning a tiny parking space, as usual.
Martin driving the coastal highway on the West side of the island.

Signs like this at every roundabout made my navigating job really easy. 
The infrastructure on that island is brilliantly designed for tourists. 
Makes sense given that the 8 million annual tourists outnumber actual residents ten to one.

We also had bikes in the apartment, and we (especially I) had tons of fun riding all over the island on those. We would use them to get to Santa Ponca and Peguera to watch Euro 2012 games with the British and German teams, respectively (that was fun, we were always with the home team!), or to get to the bigger beaches. Mallorca is not flat, so it was fun finding the best routes and conquering that one giant hill on the way home.

Obviously Martin's hands-free skills are better than mine since he's riding behind me taking this picture.

Our return trip to Zurich last Thursday was a smorgasbord of transportation methods. We drove the Smartcar to the airport, flew to Germany, drove back through Austria to Liechtenstein; then took a bus to the train station, a train to Zurich, and walked home from the station! It was actually a lovely and relaxed day, we got to stop in Liechtenstein for most of the day, but we actually travelled by plane, train, and automobile! Plus bus and foot! All excellent adventures.
The train! With some gorgeous Alps in the background. Were at one of the train stations in Liechtenstein here.
My perfectly RyanAir carryon-sized backpack, thanks to Aunt Margie!
 Also critical for walking home from the train station.

Love Katie

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