Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Swimming in the Limmat!

Yesterday we (including Kira and Taryn who are visiting!) went down to the Limmat river to go swimming and had SO much fun!
Unfortunately this isn't us, but you can get an idea!

We went to a spot where you can jump in the river and float down to a grate with ladders on it for climbing out. There's all kinds of infrastructure for swimming, stairs and diving boards and chains along the river walls for hauling yourself upriver if you want to. It's been raining a fair amount so the river is really fast and high, which means we had tons of fun and some exciting dismounts. Water pressure combined with ladder climbing is challenging!

I would have more pictures but we had a storm while we were there so it was pouring rain. That didn't take away from the fun of swimming at all, but it was the first time we've seem Oklahoma levels of rain since being there. I'm weirdly glad, I think I would've missed the intense storms.

River swimming is definitely on my list of things to do every day this summer, I absolutely couldn't get enough of it. It's like a really good watermark but free, without lines, and where they let you do things that would probably be considered too dangerous in the States. It was great!

Love Katie

1 comment:

  1. How cold is the river? Remember that one time we swam in the river in Colorado, and it was FREEZING, but it had hot springs in the sides to thaw out in?
