Thursday, June 28, 2012

Inland Adventures

Yesterday Martin and I went away from the coast a bit to explore some of the rest of Mallorca. We had so much fun! First stop was a town called Sineu where they have a giant market every Wednesday. We had to get up early (well...early Spanish time, so 8:30. It's not like we were setting an alarm or anything) to make sure we got to see everything.

Got there! Time to go exploring.

We followed people who looked like they knew where they were going through narrow streets for a little while. Every house had green shutters and they were packed really close together. There was no sign of people in the houses except for sounds coming from within, but it gets so hot there that life takes place mostly indoors.

These green shutters are all over Mallorca. It's really pretty against the earthy houses!

After a little while, we started to see more people and there was the market! The first part we hit was all food--fruits, veggies, nuts, dried fruits, bread, cheese (from a wide variety of animals), and salami. We sampled everything we could and bought cherries, grapes, figs, dried figs, and a couple of empanadas for the walk and for later.

There was a non-food section after that (I'm telling you, this thing was giant. It filled up the whole city) with leather goods manufactured on the island, shoes, clothes, scarves, and jewelry. I didn't bring enough money for that, but I wanted to buy gifts for basically everyone I know. There was also an animals section with the scariest pigeon I have ever seen. Who buys pigeons? They're everywhere!

 The whole thing took place throughout this really old-style town, complete with random statuary and a beautiful cathedral.

After all of that we went to the towns of Inca and Binissalem, then to Alaro where we climbed a mountain to find a castle. We'll have to wait to cover that, though, since my computer is dying and there aren't any plugs here!

Love Katie

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