Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hiking in Liechtenstein Tomorrow!

Hi All!

We're in Liechtenstein right now, and Martin and I are getting ready to go on a hike tomorrow that's supposed to be really beautiful and challenging and dangerous. How exciting! It's called the  Fürstensteig (Princely Trail, after the Prince of Liechtenstein), and it traverses the ridge atop the Three Sisters mountains which form the border between Liechtenstein and Austria. 

It's very dramatic-looking, isn't it?

Since the Alps are a very old mountain range, they've had lots of time to erode, meaning that they're very rocky and pointy on the top. Anyone who's gone hiking in the Rockies or the Sierra Nevada--both comparatively younger mountain ranges--can identify the feeling of being on the summit but not really feeling like they're really on top. Those mountains are more of a hump, whereas the Alps are more jagged peaks. That means you actually get to walk along narrow ridges with the mountain dropping off on either side. It feels like you're walking on the edge of the world, but it's really not for those with a fear of heights. 

Tomorrow these pictures will include Martin and me. Yay!

The Fürstensteig will be my second major hike in Liechtenstein--we've already done some hiking up in Mauren--but I'm told this will be a much more demanding experience. There are apparently places where you literally climb ladders embedded in the rock, and areas where the ridge trail is so narrow and the dropoffs on either side so steep that there is a cable to hold onto to prevent falling. There are also apparently areas where we will wish there was a cable. I'm hoping that handling the cables at Halfdome with Cal Crew will mean I can handle this, but I'll find out tomorrow! 

If you look really closely you can see the trail cutting through the middle of that picture.

Martin's mom says that she spent most of their hike on this trail worrying about her three boys rather than enjoying the view, in much the way I think my mom experienced the Grand Canyon when we were kids. I'm glad I've been running up hills, I think I'll appreciate every minute I've done! I will be taking lots of pictures, because it seems like the views are going to be amazing. 

So pretty!

I'll let you know how it goes! 

Update: here's a video of the mountain!

Love Katie  

1 comment:

  1. Super cool!!! I am jealous of your awesome mountains, though they would probably try to murder me. If you see awesome things that I should tell my class about, make sure to take 1 million of pictures.
