Sunday, June 10, 2012

"Milk Drink"

Martin and I were grocery shopping yesterday (the same store with the fabulous chocolate section) and we discovered that the store carried both milk and "milk drink." After some investigation, we determined that only full-fat milk can be called milk, any reduction in fat content makes it a "milk drink" rather than true milk.
Note the blue writing "M-Drink" under each language. This is 2.6%

In true perfection-oriented Swiss fashion, the fat content of milk here is carefully standardized at 3.7% for whole milk (it varies between 3.25% and 4% in the US and Canada) and "milk drink" is 2.6%. So far, 2.6% is the lowest option available, and everyone seems to drink the regular stuff.

Nearly all dairy products here are offered primarily, if not exclusively, in full-fat versions. I have to admit, I really like the yogurt! I find that I'm happy to eat it plain without anything in it at all, and I eat about half of what I would in the US before I'm full. I wonder if I can use this logic to eat chocolate at will?

I realize this is a strange thing to be obsessing about, but I have to admit that the grocery store is probably the most interesting place for me in any foreign city! It's where you see what's different--nearly everywhere has houses and streets and history, the grocery store is where you see what's going on inside those houses and what people find important.

Love Katie

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