Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Not gone! Promise!

So I'm a terrible blogger and I haven't posted in a week. I'm sorry! I have lots of things to update about, though, so I'll probably post lots today.

Martin and I are going to Mallorca (American spelling Majorca) on Thursday for two whole weeks! I'm so excited. Mallorca is an island off the coast of Spain, and it's supposed to be all white sandy beaches and crystalline water and cheap tapas and it sounds excellent.

 I'm jealous. And I need to find this spot so I can jump off the cliffs into the water!

Martin's family has an apartment there near the capital city of Palma, in the same way that families in the US have a cabin in Tahoe or Colorado or somewhere. It can be complicated to get time what with negotiating amongst aunts, uncles etc., but we get it all to ourselves for two weeks! Have I mentioned I'm excited?
 That's Palma. Our apartment is left and about 20 minutes away. 
Just enough to have uncrowded beaches!

There are also lots of good hiking (trail running?) paths, cycling routes in the northern mountains, and a big Spanish go-out-and-dance scene. There's even a farmer's market! Apparently it's pretty touristy on the edges, but if you go inland it gets really inexpensive and authentically Spanish. I think we'll have to do both.

Some of the trails were built during the "Time of the Arabs," as early as 900 CE.

Martin and I loaded up the iPad with library books (yay for three library cards!) for the trip, so we'll get to do plenty of lounging and tanning. Martin's brother Bernhard just came back from a sailing trip freakishly tan, and I think Martin plans to beat him. We're all about goal-setting here. There will also be productivity not measurable on a color wheel, as Martin has some studying to do for August exams and I have to learn German and read up on what I'll be studying next year. Still, I think we'll be able to have some fun!

Love Katie

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